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I Caught A Starly

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I Caught A Starly Empty I Caught A Starly

Post  Caboose Sat May 03, 2008 3:36 am

I woke up one morning thinking to my self with a frown on my face. I wish i had more pok'emon. I suddenly got out of bed and got dressed and went straight to Prof Oaks lab and asked if he had any caught pok'emon. But right when i asked him he suddenly just screamed at me yelling NO!! with an even bigger frown then mine. Right when he did it he said he was sorry and just looked away and sighed. I asked him what he had on his mind. He told me that he needed to deliver a package to the pok'e mart but has no pok'emon to protect himself. He also told me that he had no one to deliver it for him. Right when he said it i asked if i could deliver it for him. He suddenly had a smile on his face and said that would be wonderful! I walked out and was on my way to the pok'e mart. I Walked in all the tall grass hoping there would be at least 1 simple kind of pok'emon i could catch. But there wasn't. I had finally reached the pok'e mart and walked in, people welcoming me and all that. The lady working the place had asked me why i had the big package. I told her that is was from prof oak and that it was for her. I gave it to her. She said thanks! I was on my way back and when i went throught the first patch of tall grass i saw that there was a starly sitting there with a frightened face. As soon as i saw him i threw out my pok'e ball with my Clefable. I yelled to Clefable. Clefable use double slap!! It suddenly took 19 HP from Starly. Starly used scratch! He took 10 HP from my Clefable. I yelled to Clefable once again. Clefable use double slap!!!!. It took another 19 HP again from starly. I threw out one of my pok'e balls! 1........2.......... he escaped! He used shadow ball and took 23 HP from Clefable. I used My last pok'e ball and 1................2........................3.........Bing. I caught him!!!!. On the last bit of the way home i had a big smile on my face. Before i went home i told Prof Oak i delivered the package. I went home and told my mom i caught another pok'emon but i walked in and saw my mom staring at the tv. I asked her what she was doing and why. She said that dad had another gym battle with one of the local. We kept watching and suddely saw that mt dad had won! That made the day even better with my new pok'emon. All the rest of the day we celebrated dads victory and also celebrated my pok'emon catch! It was the greatest dy of my life!!!

The End

Last edited by Halo3rockzz on Sat May 03, 2008 6:36 pm; edited 3 times in total

Posts : 321
Join date : 2008-04-15
Location : Oh my adress is...... wait what are we talking about again????

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I Caught A Starly Empty Re: I Caught A Starly

Post  Leeeds Sat May 03, 2008 9:52 am

Length: It wasn't very long but long enough 1/3

Spelling: there was quite a few spelling mistakes 2/3

Punchuation: it was good 1/1

Overall rating: i liked it! 2/3

6/10 only one more mark to catch it!

Posts : 348
Join date : 2008-02-24

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I Caught A Starly Empty Re: I Caught A Starly

Post  Caboose Sat May 03, 2008 6:20 pm

*Edited. See if it is better now! I edited it and i hope you think it is better than before.

Posts : 321
Join date : 2008-04-15
Location : Oh my adress is...... wait what are we talking about again????

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I Caught A Starly Empty Re: I Caught A Starly

Post  Leeeds Sun May 04, 2008 10:47 pm

Length: It wasn't very long but long enough 1/3

Spelling: there was not many spelling mistakes at all 3/3

Punchuation: it was good 1/1

Overall rating: i liked it! 2/3

7/10 you caught it!

Hp: 37
Attacks: Tackle, growl, quick attack, wing attack
Exp to next level:250

Posts : 348
Join date : 2008-02-24

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I Caught A Starly Empty Re: I Caught A Starly

Post  Caboose Wed May 07, 2008 12:01 am


Posts : 321
Join date : 2008-04-15
Location : Oh my adress is...... wait what are we talking about again????

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