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1r2y's first pokemon story

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1r2y's first pokemon story Empty 1r2y's first pokemon story

Post  1r2y Tue May 06, 2008 10:03 am

The pokemon tournament

"nidoking use poisen sting!" king shouted. nidoking blasted a powerful poisen sting at the dummy and it exploded. Great job, king said. nidoqueen is much better than nidoking! queen said to king. REALLY king said sacastically. Battle me then king added. No, but i will battle you if you get to the final of the tournament i've already entered. king ran out of the door and went to register.

Later that day the tournament started. The battles started and 8 people were left. There was: king, queen, farao, santa, jocolor, afro, Cool, pirat. The matches were:

:king:vs:joker: :afro:vs:santa: :queen:vs:farao: 8)vs pirat

king stepped on to the battle field confidently and the joker stumbled on nervously. Go nidoking Exclamation king shouted. Go toxicroak Exclamation jocolor shouted. nidoking, use poisen sting like we practised! king commanded. nidoking used a powerful poison sting, but toxicroak didn't even try to dodge, it was a direct hit. Suddenly toxicroak started to turn a bit purple, he was poisened. Haha! king laughed. It's not over yet jocolor said, toxicroak, use cross poison!

Suddenly toxicroak absorbed the poison from the poison sting, and used cross poison on nidoking, and nidoking fell to the ground. nidoking get back up and use earthquake! king commanded. nidoking stomped on the ground and a powerful earthquake headed for toxicroak. Dodge and use cross poison again! jocolor commanded toxicroak jumped into the air and came down using corss poison. nidoking, use mega punch to counter the cross poison! king commanded.

The two attacks collided and toxicroak was flung back and landed on the ground, toxicroak was beaten. Both of the trainers returned their pokemon and walked of of the battle field. Then afro and santa stepped onto the field and released their pokemon. Go gallade! afro shouted. Go Garchomp! santa shouted.

Last edited by 1r2y on Wed May 07, 2008 10:26 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 77
Join date : 2008-05-01

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1r2y's first pokemon story Empty Re: 1r2y's first pokemon story

Post  Leeeds Wed May 07, 2008 9:46 am

cool, can't wait for the next part

Posts : 348
Join date : 2008-02-24

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1r2y's first pokemon story Empty Re: 1r2y's first pokemon story

Post  Caboose Thu May 08, 2008 4:14 pm

It was edited 2 times. Howmany detailes to ya want on it lol

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