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A girl combee!

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A girl combee! Empty A girl combee!

Post  1r2y Fri May 02, 2008 7:41 pm

One day I was looking through the forest when suddenly i heard a loud screech. I ran over to the noise and saw a Staravia reapeatedly hitting a Combee with its wing. "Go Turtwig!" I shouted. "Turtwig, use tackle to hit the Staravia and scare it away!" Turtwig hit the Staravia hard and it flew away. I ran over to the Combee and used a potion my Mum had given to me. The Combee flew into the air and stared at me, like it wanted me to battle and catch it. But i didn't think it was strong enough.

The Combee realised that i didn't want to battle it and it flew away. I carried on my journey through the forest, but all there was, was weak Wurmple, Weedle and other bug pokemon! Then I got angry and kicked a tree... Rarararrara. What was that I asked myself. Then a massive string shot came from the tree...

I jumped out of the way, and it narrowly missed me. I hid behind a tree and pulled out my pokeball with wooper in and peered round the tree and saw an Ariados climb down the tree. I got out from behind the tree and got ready to throw my pokeball, but before i could throw it the Ariados shot a string shot and pulled the pokeball from my hand and it fell on the floor. The Ariados then prepared an attack which looked like a bug bite so I slowly moved back.

Suddenly a Combee came from no-where and used sweet scent to attract the Ariados's attention. The Ariados turned round and the Combee used a powerful gust right in Ariados's face! It was super effective and the Ariados scurried away. I picked up my pokeball with wooper in it and looked up at the Combee. It was the same Combee from before and it wanted to battle me again. "Go wooper!" I shouted. wooper Came out of the ball and got ready to fight.

"Use water gun!" I commanded. But the Combee countered it by using gust to blow the water away. The Combee then used gust again, and it was a critical hit. "wooper, use tail whip when Combee uses gust" I told wooper. Then wooper prepared and the combee used gust. wooper used tail whip and the whip hit the gust right back at Combee. It was super effective and Combee fell to the floor.

"GO POKEBALL!" I shouted. the ball hit the Combee and dragged it inside. 1......2........3.....BING! I had caught Combee! I grabbed the ball containing my new pokemon and walked home, very tired.


Posts : 77
Join date : 2008-05-01

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A girl combee! Empty Re: A girl combee!

Post  Leeeds Fri May 02, 2008 7:54 pm

Length: it wasn't that long but long enough 2/3

Spelling: no mistakes at all 3/3

Punchuation: no mistakes 1/1

Overall rating: 2/3 i really liked it!

8/10 well done!

Hp: 35
Attacks: Gust, sweet scent
Exp to next level:100

Posts : 348
Join date : 2008-02-24

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A girl combee! Empty Re: A girl combee!

Post  Caboose Fri May 02, 2008 10:03 pm

just to let you know. This wooper is a wooper

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A girl combee! Empty Re: A girl combee!

Post  Leeeds Sat May 03, 2008 9:34 am

he knows, he just can't be bothered to write wopper probally or he might want to do it like that for no reason

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Join date : 2008-02-24

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A girl combee! Empty Re: A girl combee!

Post  1r2y Sat May 03, 2008 10:22 am

lol, thats right

Posts : 77
Join date : 2008-05-01

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A girl combee! Empty Re: A girl combee!

Post  Caboose Sat May 03, 2008 7:24 pm

That could be understandable. But not really to me lol!

Posts : 321
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Location : Oh my adress is...... wait what are we talking about again????

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