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prize porygon!

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prize porygon! Empty prize porygon!

Post  smellybellyboy Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:57 am

BANG BANG BANG "done." i said with a triumphant smile. i was working on my own little badge for a gym. not a real gym though, it was really just so trainers had the idea of what gyms are like. fire in the top right corner and bottom left corner, with waves of water in the bottom right corner and top left corner. workers were working on some building for me to use as the gym. but instead, i turned on the TV with my Pokemon. they were eyeing the mysterious egg i found when i got the totodile. it was shaking a bit, but not too much.

sometimes i wondered what Pokemon was inside, and if it would like to live in the wild or stay with me. "do you want to become a good trainer?" i turned my head to the TV, "well then, we are hosting a special contest just for you!" "torch?" Torch said, trying to get my attention, "shh" i said. "at littleroot hall! if you need more information, please visit littleroot hall." the contest advertiser finally finished. i took my bag and rushed out the door, Torch and Totodile following.

two hours later
"whew. we are FINALLY at littleroot hall." i said, panting in exhaustion from going so far. Torch did a face plant right into the ground and Totodile had to pick it up, then did a face plant as well. i picked them both up and gave them some bulk-Berrie pie with extra Oran berries to sweeten them up and energize them. "hello. how may we help you?" the person at the desk asked. "Hi. i would like information on the contest?" i said, looking at Torch and Toto. "ah, the Pokemon contest. there are many rounds. first one decorate your two Pokemon. second is to let them do some talents and show off skills. third is for the trainer, and to see how good of a friendship you have with your Pokemon by making it its favorite poffins. fourth is the battle round. only two will make it to the battle round. winner gets a Pokemon egg." the person finally finished. "sign me UP!!!" i said, fully exited.

"we will now begin putting our Pokemon into costume!" the judge said, after a long boring explanation. she closed the curtains and i decorated Torch as a Bonsly and Toto as a meowth. they fitted in their costumes perfectly but Torch burnt the little three green balls on top of its costume. i just combed fluff into the perfect shape and put it on. "OK contestants!" the judge said screaming loudly, "stop decorating your Pokemon!" just when she said that Toto's costume got messed up completely. "good thing we are fourth to presentate" i whispered to myself. i was messing with it, trying to find a good costume for Toto. then a shiny buizel came to mind and by the third contestant he was done.

"contestant number four's Torchic and Totodile!" the judge blured to the microphone.the curtain opened and Torch sneezed and made it look like fake tears. Toto was using water gun and trying his best at aqua jet. a special poketch app showed how much they loved you out of 10, i got 7. "now. let the contestants get their pokemon ready to show off their skills and talents! I opened the back door and tried to find wild pokemon. a weedle came into view just in time. "torch use ember!" i said, calling out the attack enough so the weedle could'nt hear. Torch burnt the weedle and i put it on a bed. "OK! now let the pokemon show their talents!" the judge blured into the microphone.

I quickly pulled out medical supplies and stuff. the misdreavus up first teleported into the crowd and used confuse ray and quickly teleported back, creating an illusion. the second rayquaza used dragon breath and made it into the shape of groudon and kyogre battling. nobody dare asked how he got rayquaza. (his name was brendon. HINT HINT: emerald boy hero) the third was a persian, using coins to make an illusion of floating coins with its partner, medicham. us finally, treated the weedle with potions, elexirs, lots of medical pokemon stuff they shouldnt even need to know about. my poketch app told me, out of ten, eight. the misdreavus lost the round, and now it was the freindship.

i made bluk-berry cake with extra berries, whipping cream, milk, calcium, zinc, pokeblocks and poffins! the judges had a poketch app "freind checker" and "loving it checker". for the medicham, 6. for the persian, 2. for rayquaza, 7. for us, 10 for both. the medicham and persian were kicked out of the round while my pokemon were still munching on the toughening food. a guy came up to the judge and whispered something. all i could hear was "" the judge looked suprised and said, "please wait for the battle round between rayquaza and torchic."

two minutes later, the final round begun. "Torch use ember around the stadium for no escape!" i said, getting ready for attack. "rayquaza. finish this with dragon breath!" the other trainer called, expecting nothing from torch. Torch barely dodged but got hit bad. Torch went flying and got knocked out. "the winner is rayquaza!"
later when we were at the PKMN center, the other trainer came up to me and gave me a pokeball. i let the pokemon out and it was a porygon. "i have no use for it. i take strong determined pokemon. not wimps." he said, and walked away.

Posts : 36
Join date : 2008-04-05

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prize porygon! Empty Re: prize porygon!

Post  Caboose Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:33 pm

Length: Very Long: 3/3

Spelling: a few mistakes 2/3

Punctuation: Mistakes 0/1

Overal: I liked it, nice overal. 2/3

7/10 you caught it!

Posts : 321
Join date : 2008-04-15
Location : Oh my adress is...... wait what are we talking about again????

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prize porygon! Empty Re: prize porygon!

Post  Leeeds Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:33 am

Marriland down, can't post stats yet

Posts : 348
Join date : 2008-02-24

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prize porygon! Empty Re: prize porygon!

Post  smellybellyboy Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:02 pm

what level does it need to be? cause i can use marriland fine.

Posts : 36
Join date : 2008-04-05

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