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Global rules

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Global rules Empty Global rules

Post  Leeeds Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:24 pm

1. No spamming
2. No bullying
3. No sexual talk
4. No swearing
Even if you put stars in it counts as swearing
If you swear on a first post it's an instant ban
5. No double posting
6. No asking to be a mod or admin
If we think you are suitable to be a mod, you will become a mod.
8. No advertising unless you have been given permission by me
9. Respect the Admins and Mods, we try our best to make this website a good fun place for people to chat about pokemon and cp and have fun, if you don't respect us, then you will not be respected either.
10. No swearing in the chatbox
11. Please respect all members, remember that our members ages range from very young to older and come from all regions of the world. That means that spelling and grammar may not be in perfect English. Do not criticise other members unnecessarily about their spelling.
12. Defamatory, racist, hateful, pornographic, illegal or insulting content must be avoided on this forum. You must respect the fact that people may have a different opinion than you. If you are in conflict with another member, please use PMs for that, this board is not an arena!
13. Last one for now..... Try not to 'bump' the posts unless it is relevant. If possible, make a new topic instead

Last edited by Leeeds on Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 348
Join date : 2008-02-24

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